Saturday, October 6, 2012

Crafty catch up!

The past month I have been busy with  quilting and crocheting projects! I finished my quilt block, a purse, fingerless gloves and our honeymoon album digitally! Today, I bought more yarn and supplies for a Halloween project to work on this month!

This block is for September and Nancy chose Nonesuch. It is a paper pieced block and has many variations by turning the smaller squares.

This is my version of the Nonesuch. Love all the color!

I have the pattern for this month's block called Corn and Beans. It also has many color and block I am having a hard time deciding on the layout. I think I will work on it some tomorrow.

I have had this crochet bag pattern for a while after finding it on Pinterest. (Have you been to Pinterest...if not it is addicting but oh my, there are so many amazing ideas, DIY, recipes, and more!!!) Here is the link from Pinterest, then on this gal's blog there is a link for the pattern from Ravelry. Look at both because there are examples of different purses made with the pattern.
The pattern is a little hard to follow. I deciphered as I crocheted and did some ripping out, but finally got the basic idea. I used up yarn from my stash that I had collected on two different yarn hops. I finished it in a week and there are so many color options that I definitely plan on making more!

A large granny square turns into a open and versatile handbag!
The lining! I chose a Batik fabric in similar colors to the yarn. I need to work on a better technique for sewing in the lining but it is okay for my first one.

Fingerless gloves have been on my Yarn Bucket List for a while. I found a simple pattern and used new fun yarn from Plum Bazaar and whipped these out! Which I am wearing right now cus it is cold in our house!

Red fuzzy, warm fingerless gloves!
The pattern is on
Crocheted in the round all the way up, they are fairly easy and again, the yarn variations are endless. I am going to make more pairs and I want to try adding the "flip top" to make it a mitten!

I have one more DIY project that I did this week (with help), but that is over on my family/personal blog!

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