Several of my knitting friends are multi-talented...not only do they sew, knit, crochet but also spin and weave!! I have been fascinated with weaving the past year and Casey totally surprised me with a LOOM for Christmas...actually 2! A little one and a larger table top loom! My weaving friends gave me suggestions and helped me get started...I won't bore you with all the details....and TA DA....the first scarf on my LOOM!

I choose 3 colors and decided to make stripes!

It took some getting use to, but is so fun!
My dad is going to help with some minor adjustments and repairs. (Casey bought the loom from a local guy who makes them or refurbishes it wasn't new, new.)

I am super excited to start weaving more crazy fibers and textures and make cool scarves! I can also do runners, place mats, small rugs, etc. BUT I LOVE SCARVES!!!
ooooo....looks have so many hobbies!!!
Awesome!! I have wanted to try a loom for the longest time - you lucky girl, you! Can't wait to see more projects from these looms. apacks
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