Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wrist Warmers

Recently I signed up to be a part of a scarf swap.  There are about 6 or 7 of us, I think, and we've all been assigned a recipient to make a scarf for.  We shared the colors in which we'd prefer our scarf be made and what type of winters we usually have.  As for the type of yarn and the pattern, that was up to the creator.  It took me a long time to decide upon the pattern.  I finally decided and went out to buy the perfect yarn.  Once I started working on it, however, I realized that the pattern, paired with the type of yarn I chose, would take a lot more effort and time than what was expected to be put into this project.  So I jumped back onto the 'net and found a really cool pattern on Ravelry.  It looks very complicated but is actually quite easy. 

I wanted to do a little practice run while learning how to do the stitch.  After I did 4 rows, I felt I was ready to move on to the real thing, however I didn't want to frog* the work I'd just done.  So as I was staring at my practice, I thought maybe I could make this into a little wrist warmer.  I added a few rows of single crochet around 3 of the 4 edges, threw in a loop for the thumb then sewed two edges together.  Me likey.  

*To frog something means to rip out the work you just did, either part of it or all of it.  Rip It/ Ribbit.  If you messed up and are unable to neatly cover up your mistake, or if you find a project you started long ago and can't/don't want to finish it, its best to just frog it and re-use the yarn.

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